Matthew Goode is so good looking. how to move on when losing a loved one? but life is full of irony...
真人真事改编同推《国模珠珠酒店私拍》1. 本性善良的人都晚熟并且是被劣人催熟的后来虽然开窍了但他仍然善良与赤诚色天天狠天天透天天依不断寻找同类最后变成最孤独的一个人—莫言 2.“This incident would have gone unnoticed by you. It is just a footnote in your history. Written in fine print in some book.” 3.“Youth is a gift of God. It’s up to you whether you let it wither or give it meaning.” 4.人类世界这种主题永远不会过时路漫漫其修远兮